On 24 March 2018 at 19:29, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
On 23 March 2018 at 02:58, Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com> wrote:
I'd like to start a discussion around practices for vendoring package dependencies. I'm not sure python-dev is the appropriate venue for this discussion. If not, please point me to one and I'll gladly take it there.

Since you mainly seem interested in the import side of things (rather than the initial vendoring process), python-ideas is probably the most suitable location (we're not at the stage of a concrete design proposal that would be appropriate for python-dev, and this doesn't get far enough into import system arcana to really need to be an import-sig discussion rather than a python-ideas one).
What we've done is effectively rename the "shrubbery" package to "knights.vendored.shrubbery." If a module inside that package attempts an `import shrubbery.x`, this could fail because "shrubbery" is no longer the package name. Or worse, it could pick up a separate copy of "shrubbery" somewhere else in `sys.path` and you could have a Frankenstein package pulling its code from multiple installs. So for this to work, all package-local imports must be using relative imports. e.g. `from . import x`.

If it's the main application doing the vendoring, then the following kind of snippet can be helpful:

    from knights.vendored import shrubbery
    import sys
    sys.path["shrubbery"] = shrubbery

Oops, s/path/modules/ :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia