2014-03-18 9:08 GMT+01:00 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com>:
On 18 Mar 2014 11:56, "Victor Stinner" <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
I modified Python 3.5 to use the "surrogateescape" error handler (PEP 383) for stdin and stdout when the LC_CTYPE locale is POSIX ("C" locale): http://bugs.python.org/issue19977
Yay, thanks Victor. I'll let the Fedora folks know this has been merged, as we may seriously consider applying this as a vendor patch to our build of Python 3.4 (while I agree this isn't a bug fix, the current behaviour also poses a problem for Fedora as more core utilities start migrating to Python 3).
Please don't cherry-pick this change in Fedora if it is not done in Python 3.4. It changes the behaviour of Python and I would prefer to have the same behaviour on the same Python version on all platforms. I'm not against backporting the change in Python 3.4.1. It can be seen as a bugfix. I don't think that anyone wants a Unicode error when reading or printing non-ASCII data from stdin/to stdout. But I would like the opinion of other developers before doing that. Victor