I think we will get *one* chance in the next decade to get it right. Whether that's HPy or evolution of the C API I'm not sure.

Victor, am I right that the (some) stable ABI will remain important because projects don't have resources to build wheels for every Python release? If a project does R releases per year for P platforms that need to support V versions of Python, they would normally have to build R * P * V wheels. With a stable ABI, they could reduce that to R * P. That's the key point, right?

Can HPy do that?

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 9:19 AM Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> wrote:
On Jan 28, 2022, at 09:00, Steve Dower <steve.dower@python.org> wrote:
> Does HPy have any clear guidance or assistance for their users to keep it up to date?
> I'm concerned that if we simply substitute "support the C API for everyone" with "support the C API for every version of HPy" we're no better off.

Will it ever make sense to pull HPy into the CPython repo so that they evolve together?  I can see advantages and disadvantages.  If there’s a point in the future where we can just start promoting HPy as an official alternative C API, then it will likely get more traction over time.  The disadvantage is that HPy would evolve at the same annual pace as CPython.


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