Quoth Terry Reedy: [...]
A conversion utility that converted 'raise item' to 'raise item()' and 'raise item,arg' to 'raise item(arg)' would definitely be helpful. A working version, or at least a promise to produce one on acceptance might make the PEP more palatable.
I do intend to write such a tool. I'd imagined that, being PEP champion, I would be the obvious person to produce the relevant patches to the standard library. There are more than a thousand raise statements there, mostly of the implicitly instantiating type, so you can bet I'm not doing it by hand if I can avoid it. -- Steven Taschuk staschuk@telusplanet.net "[T]rue greatness is when your name is like ampere, watt, and fourier -- when it's spelled with a lower case letter." -- R.W. Hamming