On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 at 14:53 Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 7:55 AM, Steve Dower <steve.dower@python.org> wrote:
> Agree with Paul. The PEP is well thought out and well presented, but I
> really don’t think we need this in Python (and I say this as someone who
> uses it regularly in C/C#).
> -1 on the idea; no disrespect intended toward to people who did a lot of
> work on it.

Same here.  I'm more interested in having anonymous blocks (i.e.
scopes), along the lines of PEP 3150, though it's currently #2 on my
wish list. :)

I'm also -1.

I understand the usefulness of the construct in languages where block scopes make having this kind of expression assignment in e.g. an 'if' guard useful. But for Python and it's LGB scoping -- although I think we need to add an "N" for "non-local" :) -- this is syntactic sugar and I don't see enough wide benefit on top of the potential ugliness/misuse of it to warrant the cognitive overhead of adding it.

Although, as usual, Chris, great PEP! :)