On Jun 24, 2010, at 10:48 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
While the idea is fine with me since I won't have any of my directories cluttered with multiple .so files, I would still want to add some moniker showing that the version number represents the interpreter and not the .so file. If I read "foo.3.2.so", that naively seems to mean to mean the foo module's 3.2 release is what is in installed, not that it's built for CPython 3.2. So even though it might be redundant, I would still want the VM name added.
I have a new version of my patch that steals the "magic tag" idea from PEP 3147. Note that it does not use the *actual* same piece of information to compose the file name, but for now it does match the pyc tag string. E.g. % find . -name \*.so ./build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.2/math.cpython-32.so ./build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.2/select.cpython-32.so ./build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.2/_struct.cpython-32.so ... Further, by default, ./configure doesn't add this tag so that you would have to build Python with: % SOABI=cpython-32 ./configure to get anything between the module name and the extension. I could of course make this a configure switch instead, and could default it to some other magic string instead of the empty string.
Adding the VM name also doesn't make extension modules the exclusive domain of CPython either. If some other VM decides to make their own .so files that are not binary compatible then we should not preclude that as this solution it is nothing more than it makes a string comparison have to look at 7 more characters.
P.S.: I wish we could drop use of the 'module.so' variant at the same time, for consistency sake and to cut out a stat call, but I know that is asking too much.
I think you're right that with the $SOABI trick above, you wouldn't get the name collisions Guido recalls, and you could get rid of module.so. OTOH, as I am currently only targeting Linux, it seems like the module.so stat is wasted anyway on that platform. -Barry