"TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@home.com> writes:
TP> [Skip]
Sorry about the missing link. PyInline uses distutils to compile the C code. How PyInline does its think doesn't really matter to me, so I'm not going to be interested in distutils' messages.
TP> If distutils output isn't interesting to PyInline users, TP> shouldn't PyInline be changed to run setup.py with its TP> -q/--quiet option? I started a thread on similar issues on the distutils-sig mailing list a week or two ago. There's agreement that output is a problem. The code has no consistent way of generating messages or of interpreting the notion of verbose or quiet. I think the right solution is to have several levels of verbosity and have a single function or method to use for output. (Perhaps a print statement with appropriate >>.) This makes it easier to control the amount of information you get and where it gets printed to. Michael Hudson has signed up to implement it and whatever else we can pile on when he's not looking. Further discussion should probably go to the sig. Jeremy