On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 07:02:42PM -0700, Michel Pelletier wrote:
Christopher Petrilli wrote:
Actually what this looks more like is not just SSL, but a "crypto" collection for Python, dependent on the excellent work in OpenSSL. I can start outlining some stuff if that would be a good start, though obviously if there's an existing library that could be integrated, that would be excellent.
AMK has such a package:
It doesn't offer SSL, however. I've compiled a list of SSL libraries for Python: http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/pyssl/ The "Python OpenSSL wrappers" are BSD licensed and could probably serve as a good basis for a SSL library in Python itself. It's an early release, that I can crash easily if I want to ;-) Also, it would have to be modified to fit Python's coding standards (basically, the docstrings are all written in DocBook; these would have to be translated to normal text). But it's a working solution to start from. The other BSD licensed one is M2Crypto, which is around much longer, but requires SWIG to build. I think SSL support is not reason enough to require SWIG for Python builds. So this one is possibly out. The third one is LGPL licensed, so it's out immediately. Gerhard -- mail: gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de registered Linux user #64239 web: http://www.cs.fhm.edu/~ifw00065/ OpenPGP public key id 86AB43C0 public key fingerprint: DEC1 1D02 5743 1159 CD20 A4B6 7B22 6575 86AB 43C0 reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))