My view of this is:

A. It's not an iterator if it doesn't define `__next__`.

B. It is strongly recommended that iterators also define `__iter__`.

In "standards" language, I think (A) is MUST and (B) is merely OUGHT or maybe SHOULD.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 12:30 PM Brett Cannon <> wrote:
Over in I have managed to kick up a discussion over what exactly an "iterator" is. If you look at you will see the docs say it "Return[s] an iterator object." Great, but you go the glossary definition of "iterator" at you will see it says "[i]terators are required to have an __iter__() method" which neither `for` nor `iter()` actually enforce.

Is there something to do here? Do we loosen the definition of "iterator" to say they should define __iter__? Leave it as-is with an understanding that we know that it's technically inaccurate for iter() but that we want to encourage people to define __iter__? I'm assuming people don't want to change `for` and `iter()` to start requiring __iter__ be defined if we decided to go down the "remove the __aiter__ requirement" from aiter() last week.

BTW all of this applies to async iterators as well.
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