Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren@mac.com> writes:
On 23 Jul, 2010, at 11:54, Barry Warsaw wrote:
What about the architecture (i386, amd64)? With every increase in length I start to get more concerned. We could encode the platform and architecture, but that gets into cryptic territory. OTOH, would you really co-install i386 and amd64 shared libraries on the same machine? (hello NFS ;).
I don't need this, but then again I primarily use a platform where the vendor has a proper solution for having binaries for multiple architectures ;-)
Well, Apple doesn't prevent people from building 32/64 bit-only python installations. Doesn't that give you 3 choices i386, amd64, fat?? And you can have framework or non-framework builds. Doesn't anybody else think this is lost work for very little gain? My /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages directory consumes 200MB on disk. I couldn't care less if my /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages consumed the same amount of disk space... - Ralf