On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 8:31 AM Eric V. Smith <eric@trueblade.com> wrote:
I'd like to revive the discussion of PEP 649 [https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0649/] that started shortly before development of 3.10 features was closed. This is Larry's PEP to defer evaluation of __annotations__ until it's actually accessed. During the discussion the decision was made to back out the change that made "from __future__ import annotations" (PEP 563 [https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/]) the default behavior for 3.10.
My understanding is that PEP 649 is currently in front of the SC.
But do we need to have any additional discussion here?
I think it's worth discussing whether PEP 649 is the solution we want to see as the solution to this problem or not?
My recollection is that we backed out the PEP 563 change because we didn't feel we had enough time to come to a good decision one way or the other before 3.10.
Personally, I'd like to see PEP 649 accepted. There are a number of issues on bpo where people expect dataclass's field.type to be an actual Python object representing a type, and not a string. This field is copied directly from __annotations__. If we stick with PEP 563's string annotations, I'll probably just close these issues as "won't fix", and tell the caller they need to convert the strings to Python objects themselves. If 649 is accepted, then they'll all get their wish, and in addition I can remove some ugly logic from dataclasses.
Do we need to do anything here to move forward on this issue? I've chatted with Larry and Mark Shannon, who have some additional thoughts and I'm sure will chime in.
I think the question is whether we have general consensus around PEP 649? -Brett
-- Eric
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