<SNIP - my request for ideas for a master thesis> Just a quick "thank you!" to everyone who has emailed me, personally or publicly, with ideas. There have been a ton of great suggestions and I am going to seriously consider all of them. And this thanks stands indefinitely for any and all future emails on this subject. And please keep sending ideas! Even if I don't pick up on a certain idea maybe someone else will be inspired and decide to run with it or at least start a discussion on possible future improvements (there is always my doctoral thesis in a few years =). I can't believe I just said more discussion on this list was good that I know will most likely take on a life of their own. I guess I really do want to lose my 20/20 vision. =) I also think this thread is a testament to this community in general and this list specifically on how we help others when we can and in the nicest way possible. I have to admit I say with great pride that I am a part of this wonderful community. -Brett