Doc changes are now checked in. Someone who has not been starting at import for over two years should probably go in and clean it up as it is probably not clear to a newbie (but then again newbies should not be reading the language ref; more worried about the docs in sys).
At this point importlib is done for its public API for Python 3.1. That means it's time to turn my attention to making sure the semantics of import are well documented. But where to put all of the details? The language reference for import ( explains the basics, but is lacking all of the details of PEP 302 and other stuff like __path__ that have existed for ages.
My question is if I should flesh out the details in the language reference or do it in importlib's intro docs. The main reason I could see not doing it in the langauge reference (or at least duplicating it) is it would be somewhat easier to reference specific objects in importlib but I am not sure if the language reference should try to stay away from stdlib references.