On 05.07.15 20:52, R. David Murray wrote:
Just so people aren't caught unawares, it is very unlikely that I will have time to be the final editor on "What's New for 3.5" they way I was for 3.3 and 3.4. I've tried to encourage people to keep What's New up to date, but *someone* should make a final editing pass. Ideally they'd do at least the research Serhiy did last year on checking that there's a mention for all of the versionadded and versionchanged 3.5's in the docs. Even better would be to review the NEWS and/or commit history...but *that* is a really big job these days....
Many thanks you David for your invaluable work. Here is 3.5 NEWS file cleaned from duplicates in 3.4 NEWS file (i.e. from entries about merged bug fixes). It is much less than unfiltered NEWS file. Hope this will help volunteers.