At 04:52 PM 6/25/04 -0400, Brian L. wrote:
This particular issue can be remedied in two ways. First off, a list of decorators with brackets, as Phillip's solution makes possible,
I think David Abrahams should be the one to get the credit: it was his idea to use the tracing machinery, while I just implemented a rough proof-of-concept. I could have implemented it a year ago, had I thought of it before now. So, that makes it *his* solution as far as I'm concerned, and thus you can blame him for any resulting consequences. <wink> (Similarly, the concept of using _getframe() magic and __metaclass__ munging to implement class decorators was originally proposed by Jim Fulton and Steve Alexander; I just developed a robust, co-operative, and general-purpose implementation of the concept for Zope and PyProtocols.)