What's the advantage of having TkDND bindings in the standard library
1. I think there is enough demand for the feature to make it worth adding to the stdlib (and the actual bindings are not that large so won’t require much maintenance). There are several threads on Stack Overflow where using TkDND with tkinter is discussed and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14267900, for example, appears to have attracted a fair amount of attention (being viewed 27k times). 2. tkinter is often one of the first Python GUI toolkits learnt and (on most platforms) installing TkDND is not a one-click process. As a result, there are at least a couple of SO threads regarding installing TkDND (I keep mentioning SO as I consider it a good way of understanding the ‘typical’ user). 3. To make the bindings work correctly, they required changes to existing tkinter methods and I try very hard to avoid monkey-patching where possible. 4. This is a small point, but I thought it worth mentioning that the tkinter.dnd docs have said this has been coming for a long time. Even if this change doesn’t go ahead I think it would be worth changing the docs to stop saying that this feature is coming… Thank you, both of you, for the reassurance you have given and I will look into raising third party issues if I notice a distribution hasn’t updated the package information (I won’t raise issues pre-emptively, though).