Sept. 5, 2009
6:06 p.m.
On 05/09/2009, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin@v.loewis.de> wrote:
Creating the clone. ISTM that it leaves the http connection open while doing stuff locally (or creates multiple of them, and one times out).
It starts cloning, and then, after an hour or so, it reports ABORT, and rolls back, for no apparent reason.
I have been tracking mozilla-central, and believe this is a problem with the repo, that started some time after Aug 04 - which is the last log entry I have in my clone. I presumed it was just a problem my end so hadn't got round trying to debug it yet. If it is a general problem, the fact it's been around for about a month without being addressed might indicate how well tested most DVCSes are under windows. Martin