Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
Python 2.1 (#1, Jun 22 2001, 17:13:13) [GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release) (conectiva)] on linux-i386 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
open("/etc").readline() ''
I'm pretty sure patch 2.117 to fileobject.c caused this change in behavior. Here is the log message: date: 2001/08/09 18:14:59; author: gvanrossum; state: Exp; lines: +6 -0 Apply anonymous SF patch #441229. Previously, f.read() and f.readlines() checked for errors on their file object and possibly raised an IOError, but f.readline() didn't. This patch makes f.readline() behave like the others. Note that I've added a call to clearerr() since the other calls to ferror() include that too. I have no way to test this code. :-) Try open("/etc").read() with 2.1. I get an IOError exception. Neil