[/F, on ViewCVS's virtues]
it works with MSIE5, for a start.
and it's written by greg, in python. that's all I need to know ;-)
the IE problem could be a configuration problem, of course. unless tim beats me to it, I'll submit a support request some day...
And I will unless you beat me to it <wink>. In the meantime, I downloaded stinking Netscape last night. Works fine. IE5 was having major problems displaying the SF Member Options page too (large table). And SF ftp access froze. And the new thing with displaying the CVS repository. They all work OK under NS. Surprised me, as my previous experiences with NS were a bloody nightmare of crashes and corruption! BTW, I'm certain I didn't do anything to change my IE5 config (& the SF CVS access worked fine on Friday).