(I'm replying to several messages in one reply. But there is too much to respond to so this is merely the first batch.) On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 10:10 AM MRAB <python@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
Why are:
case ._:
not OK?
In this:
case .BLACK: ... case BLACK: ...
the first matches the value against 'BLACK' and the second succeeds and binds the value to 'BLACK'.
Replacing 'BLACK' with '_':
case ._: ... case _: ...
I'd expect something similar, except for the binding part.
I think the same could be said for:
case Color.BLACK:
case _.BLACK:
We disallow ._ and _.xxx because when plain _ is used as a pattern it is a *wildcard*, not an identifier. The pattern compiler must special-case _ as a target because [x, x] is an invalid pattern (you can't bind the same variable twice) but [_, _] is valid (it means "any non-string sequence of two elements"). There are some other edge cases where _ is special-cased too. But basically we want to prevent users doing a double take when they see _ used as a wildcard on one line and as a variable on the next.
I also wonder whether "or" would be clearer than "|":
case .BLACK or Color.BLACK:
That's just bikeshedding. I personally don't think it would be clearer. Other languages with pattern matching tend to use "|" (as do regular expressions :-). On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 10:28 AM Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
* What you call "Constant Value Patterns" can really refer to any local or non-local name, regardless of how complex the referred object is, right? Also, __eq__ is called in that case, not __match__?
Yeah, we're considering renaming these to "Value Patterns". There's nothing particularly constant about them. And yes, they use __eq__. Basically these and literals are processed exactly the same once the value is obtained.
* If I understand correctly, these:
case b"": print("it's an empty bytes object")
case bytes(): print("it's a bytes object")
have entirely different meanings. Am I right? This sounds like I have to switch contexts when reading code, based on whether I am reading regular code or a match clause, given that semantics are quite different.
Yes, you're right. The first is a literal pattern, the second a class pattern. Switching how you interpret code when reading it based on context is common -- seeing "x, y" on the LHS of an assignment is different than on the RHS, and seeing "x=5" in a "def" line is completely different from seeing it in a call.
Instead, it seems like the latter would be more explicitly spelled out as, e.g.:
case instanceof(bytes): print("it's a bytes object")
But that's arbitrary syntax. The beauty of using SomeClass() is that the pattern (if you squint :-) looks like a constructor for an object. SomeClass() is just an edge case of the general form SomeClass(subpattern1, subpattern2, ..., arg5=subp5, arg6=subp6, ...).
* The acronym "ADT" is never defined.
Yes it is, you missed this sentence: A design pattern where a group of record-like classes is combined into a union is popular in other languages that support pattern matching and is known under a name of algebraic data types [2]_ or ADTs.
* """If there are more positional items than the length of __match_args__, an ImpossibleMatchError is raised."""
What if there are less positional items than ``len(__match_args__)``? Can the match succeed rather than raise ImpossibleMatchError? This seems potentially error-prone.
Yes, it can succeed. Honestly, we could have gone the other way on this one, but we figured that there are plenty of functions and class constructors that can be called with a variable number of positional arguments, since some arguments have default values. We even invented an optional attribute __match_args_required__ (an int) that would have given the minimal number of positional arguments required, but it was deemed too obscure (and the name is ugly). Also we definitely wanted to be able to write `case Point():` for the isinstance check.
Overall, my main concern with this PEP is that the matching semantics and pragmatics are different from everything else in the language. When reading and understanding a match clause, there's a cognitive overhead because suddently `Point(x, 0)` means something entirely different (it doesn't call Point.__new__, it doesn't lookup `x` in the locals or globals...). Obviously, there are cases where this is worthwhile, but still.
Quite a few other languages have done this and survived. And Python already has LVALUES and RVALUES that look the same but have different meanings. (In fact the pattern syntax for sequences was derived from those.)
It may be useful to think about different notations for these new things, rather than re-use the object construction notation.
For example:
case Point with (x, y): print(f"Got a point with x={x}, y={y}")
case Point @ (x, y): print(f"Got a point with x={x}, y={y}")
(yes, "@" is the matrix multiplication operator... but it's probably much less likely to appear in common code and especially with a class object at the left)
Believe me, we did plenty of bikeshedding in private. But if one of your proposals gets overwhelming support we can revisit this. On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:41 AM Ethan Furman <ethan@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
Testing my understanding -- the following snippet from the PEP
match group_shapes(): case [], [point := Point(x, y), *other]:
will succeed if group_shapes() returns two lists, the first one being empty and the second one starting with a Point() ?
Correct. And it binds four variables: point, x, y, and other.
--- Runtime Specifications
The __match__ protocol --- Suffers from several indentation errors (the nested lists are not).
I don't see this any more. Maybe someone already fixed it?
My biggest complaint is the use of
case _:
Unless I'm missing something, every other control flow statement in Python that can have an "else" type branch uses "else" to denote it:
Since "else" perfectly sums up what's happening, why "case _" ?
match something: case 0 | 1 | 2: print("Small number") case [] | [_]: print("A short sequence") case str() | bytes(): print("Something string-like") else: print("Something else")
Because it's not needed. In all those cases you mention the else clause provides a feature that could not be expressed otherwise. But "case _:" is going to work regardless, so we might as well use it. Rust, Scala and F# do this too. On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 12:07 PM Barry Warsaw <barry@python.org> wrote:
Couldn’t you adopt a flat indentation scheme with the minor change of moving the expression into a `match:` clause? E.g.
match: expression case a: foo() case b: bar() else: baz()
I didn’t see that in the rejected alternatives.
We discussed it, but ultimately rejected it because the first block would be a novelty in Pythonic syntax: an indented block whose content is a single expression rather than a sequence of statements. Do you think we need to add this to the Rejected Ideas section?
I’m with others who think that `else:` would be a better choice than `case _:`. Given my background in i18n (see the flufl.i18n library, etc.), my red flags go up when I see bare underscores being given syntactic meaning.
Ah, but bare _ has meaning throughout patterns -- it's a wildcard. This follows the convention (common outside i18n work) that _ is a throwaway target, e.g. for x, _, _ in points: print(x). For example, the restriction against `case _.a:` *could* interact badly
with my library. There, _ is the most common name binding for an object that implements the translation semantics. Therefore, it has attributes. I can’t think of a concrete example right now, but e.g. what if I wanted to match against `_.code`? That wouldn’t be legal if I’m understanding correctly (`code` being an attribute of the object typically bound to _).
Correct. You'd have to create an alias f = _ before entering the match and then write `case f.code`. MRAB brought this up too -- honestly if there's enough support for allowing ._ and _. we could easily allow it, it's currently just forbidden to prevent user confusion, not for any deep reason.
I’m also concerned about the .BLACK vs BLACK example. I get why the distinction is there, and I get that the PEP proposes that static analyzers help the ambiguity, but it strikes me as a potential gotcha and a source of mysterious errors.
That's definitely a possibility (and some of the PEP's authors, being the first people playing with a working implementation, have already experienced this). In fact this is one of the most debated issues for this PEP, and no solution is entirely satisfactory. (My personal favorite was checking the first letter of undotted names -- if it's a lowercase letter it's a variable to be bound, if it's Uppercase it's a value to be loaded. This follows PEP 8 recommendations for naming constants.)
Why not just bare `*` instead of `*_` in patterns?
Because we're trying to make sequence patterns look like sequence unpacking assignments, and they support *rest. And in mapping patterns we support **rest.
The PEP is unclear about what kind of method __match__() is. As I was reading along, I suspected it must be a static or class method, explicitly cannot be an instance method because the class in the case statement is never instantiated, but it’s not until I got to the object.__match__() discussion that this distinction was made clear. I think the PEP should just be explicit upfront about that.
Good point. I'll add a clarification.
As a side note, I’m also concerned that `case Point(x, y)` *looks* like it instantiates `Point` and that it’s jarring to Python developers that they have to mentally switch models when reading that code.
Other languages using the same convention (e.g. Scala) seem to have no problem with this. Basically we'll all have to learn that what comes after "case" is *not* an expression. (Just like you have to learn that inside f-strings {...} is an interpolation, not a dictionary. :-)
I was also unclear about that __match__() had to return an object until much later in the PEP. My running notes asked:
# Is returning None better than raising an exception? This won’t work: class C: def __init__(self, x=None): self.x = x @staticmethod def __match__(obj): # Should just return obj? return obj.x
match C(): case x: print(x)
But once I read on, I realized that __match__() should return `obj` in this case. Still, the fact that returning None to signal a case arm not matching feels like there’s a gotcha lurking in there somewhere.
Hm, there's a whole section on the result value of __match__, but perhaps it came too late. Brett also found the description of __match__ hard to read -- I will try to add an example and mention ahead of time that __match__ must return an object or None.
Should @sealed be in a separate PEP? It’s relevant to the discussion in 622, but seems like it would have use outside of the match feature so should possibly be proposed separately.
Hm, that would be a very short PEP, and it's really not all that useful without a match statement.
The PEP is unclear whether `case` is also a soft keyword. I’m guessing it must be.
Yes, will clarify. (Though it is mentioned under Backwards Compatibility. :-) -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido) *Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)* <http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-c...>