On 27.06.2014 00:59, Ben Hoyt wrote:
Specifics of proposal ===================== [snip] Each ``DirEntry`` object has the following attributes and methods: [snip] Notes on caching ----------------
The ``DirEntry`` objects are relatively dumb -- the ``name`` attribute is obviously always cached, and the ``is_X`` and ``lstat`` methods cache their values (immediately on Windows via ``FindNextFile``, and on first use on Linux / OS X via a ``stat`` call) and never refetch from the system.
I find this behaviour a bit misleading: using methods and have them return cached results. How much (implementation and/or performance and/or memory) overhead would incur by using property-like access here? I think this would underline the static nature of the data. This would break the semantics with respect to pathlib, but they’re only marginally equal anyways -- and as far as I understand it, pathlib won’t cache, so I think this has a fair point here. regards, jwi