On 17/03/2008, Gregor Lingl <gregor.lingl@aon.at> wrote:
Another thought - do you have any copies of msvcr90.dll on your PATH? I don't think it'll make a difference, but if you do can you try renaming them?
No I don't! Only in c:\Python26, in c:\Python30 and on c:\Python30\DLLs. Strange that there are two copies of msvcr90.dll in Python30.
So I'll copy this beast also to C:\Python26\DLLs, and ... it works! I can import socket and I even can start IDLE from the Python2.6 Menu
That's odd. In theory, having msvcr90.dll in C:\Python26 should be sufficient, as once python.exe is loaded, its directory is added to the DLL search path. Maybe it's something to do with the "side by side manifest installation" stuff (or whatever it's called). Martin, can you comment? It looks like the 3.0 installer uses 2 copies of msvcr90.dll, where the 2.6 one doesn't. I would have thought that only one is necessary, but Gregor's experiments seem to demonstrate otherwise.
Thanks for your advice.
I'm not sure I did much more than get you to the point where you solved the problem for yourself, but I'm glad you've got things working :-)
Do you have an idea if this is a 'bug' in the installer?
I suspect it is - I've copied Martin for comment, but could you raise a bug in the tracker?
Why the differences between 2.6 and 3000.
I don't know, but that's what makes me think it's a bug (although I'm not entirely convinced that having 2 copies of the DLL, like 3.0 does, is the correct solution).
Why two copies of that .dll in Python 30.0?
I suspect it's a result of the msvcr90 "side by side" stuff. But beyond that, I don't know.
I'm rather happy now :-)
So am I. Glad things are working :-) Paul.