On 8/10/19, Rob Cliffe via Python-Dev <python-dev@python.org> wrote:
On 10/08/2019 11:50:35, eryk sun wrote:
On 8/9/19, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I'm also curious why the string needs to *end* with a backslash. Both of these are the same path:
C:\foo\bar\baz\ C:\foo\bar\baz
Also, the former is simply more *informative* - it tells the reader that baz is expected to be a directory, not a file.
This is an important point that I overlooked. The trailing backslash is more than just a redundant character to inform human readers. Refer to [MS-FSA] "Server Requests an Open of a File" [1]. A create/open fails with STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID if either of the following is true: * PathName contains a trailing backslash and CreateOptions.FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE is TRUE. * PathName contains a trailing backslash and StreamTypeToOpen is DataStream For NtCreateFile or NtOpenFile (in the NT API), the FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE option restricts the call to a regular file, and FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE restricts it to a directory. With neither option, the call can target either a file or directory. A trailing backslash is another information channel. It tells the filesystem that the target has to be a directory. If we specify FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE with a trailing backslash on the name, this is an immediate failure as an invalid name without even checking the entry. If we specify neither option and use a trailing backslash, it's an invalid name if the filesystem finds a regular file or data stream. Had the call specified the FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE option, it would instead fail with STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY. We can see this in practice in the published source for the fastfat filesystem driver. FatCommonCreate [2] (for a create or open) has the following code to handle the second case (in this code, an FCB is a file control block for a regular file, and a DCB is a directory control block): if (NodeType(Fcb) == FAT_NTC_FCB) { // // Check if we were only to open a directory // if (OpenDirectory) { DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Cannot open file as directory\n", 0); try_return( Iosb.Status = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY ); } DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Open existing fcb, Fcb = %p\n", Fcb); if ( TrailingBackslash ) { try_return( Iosb.Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID ); } We observe the first case with a typical CreateFileW call, which uses the option FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE. In the following example "baz" is a regular file: >>> f = open(r'foo\bar\baz') # success >>> try: open('foo\\bar\\baz\\') ... except OSError as e: print(e) ... [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'foo\\bar\\baz\\' C EINVAL (22) is mapped from Windows ERROR_INVALID_NAME (123), which is mapped from NT STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID (0xC0000033). We can observe the second case with os.stat(), which calls CreateFileW with backup semantics, which omits the FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE option in order to allow the call to open either a file or directory. In this case the filesystem has to actually check that "baz" is a data file before it can fail the call, as was shown in the fasfat code snippet above: >>> try: os.stat('foo\\bar\\baz\\') ... except OSError as e: print(e) ... [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: 'foo\\bar\\baz\\' [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-fsa/8ada5fbe... [2] https://github.com/microsoft/Windows-driver-samples/blob/74200/filesys/fastf...