This really isn't the place to ask this kind of question.

If you want to know how to do something with python, try python-users , stack overflow, etc.

If you have an idea about a new feature you think python could have, then the python-ideas list is the place for that. But if you want anyone to take it seriously, it should be a better formed idea before you post there.


On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Matthieu Bec <> wrote:
There are times when you deal with completely independent input/output 'pipes' - where parallelizing would really help speed things up.

Can't there be a way to capture that idiom and multi thread it in the language itself?



    read an XML

    produce a JSON like

Regular old threading works fine for this:

import time
import random
import threading

def process(infile, outfile):
    "fake function to simulate a process that takes a random amount of time"
    print("processing: {} to make {}".format(infile, outfile))

for i in range(10):
    threading.Thread(target=process, args=("file%i.xml" % i, "file%i.xml" % i)).start()

It gets complicated if you need to pass information back and forth, or worry about race conditions, or manage a queue, or ....

But just running a nice self-contained thread safe function in another thread is pretty straightforward.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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