On Wed, 1 Sep 2021, 7:18 am Senthil Kumaran, <senthil@uthcode.com> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 8:57 AM Angus Hollands <goosey15@gmail.com> wrote:
Should look more like
x = np.array(...)
y = x[2 < x < 8]
Is there any interest in pushing this PEP along?

My personal opinion is, it is worth discussing again. I could see the benefits this brings to Numpy Arrays.
The PEP itself was deferred based on boolean overload dislike than the short-circuit or chaining operator preference.

While I don't plan to reactivate these PEPs myself, I'd be happy to welcome a co-author that was keen to champion them (535 doesn't stand alone - it depends on the "binary if" and "binary else" circuit breaking protocol proposal in 532).

While I believe 535 is mostly OK, 532 needs some updates to account for:

* the new language grammar (the PEP was written before the switch to pegen)
* the walrus operator (some of the possible future extensions mentioned are irrelevant now)
* fixing the diagram rendering and ReST mark up
