On Friday 13 July 2007 16:11, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
On 13/07/2007 20.53, Facundo Batista wrote:
as I wrote in my previous email, I'm currently porting Python to some more unusual platforms, namely to a super computer (http://www.research.ibm.com/bluegene/) and a tiny embedded operating system (http://ecos.sourceware.org), which have more or less surprisingly quite similar properties.
Sorry, missed the previous mail. Have two questions for you:
- Why?
Because it would be a single unified build system instead of having two build systems like we have one (UNIX and Windows).
Also, it would be much easier to maintain because Visual Studio projects are generated from a simple description, while right now if you want to change something you need to go through the hassle of defining it within the Visual Studio GUI.
Consider for instance if you want to change the Windows build so that a builtin module is compiled as an external .pyd instead. Right now, you need to go through the hassle of manually defining a new project, setting all the include/libraries dependencies correctly, ecc. ecc. With CMake or a similar tool, it would be a matter of a couple of textual line changes.
[ I'll also remember that "ease of maintanance for developers" is the #1 reason for having a 2.1Mb python25.dll under Windows, which I would really love to reduce. ]
The cmake files for building python are now in a cvs repository: http://www.cmake.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Utilities/CMakeBuildForPython/?root... This is inside the ParaView3 repository: http://www.paraview.org/New/download.html I used them today to build Python from svn trunk. I'll add some documentation how to use them, how to get them and what works and what doesn't work tomorrow. Bye Alex