I've cut the release24-maint branch, and updated the Include/patchlevel.h on trunk and branch (trunk is now 2.5a0, branch is 2.4+) The trunk and the branch are now both unfrozen and suitable for checkins. The feature freeze on the trunk is lifted. Remember - if you're checking bugfixes into the trunk, either backport them to the branch, or else mark the commit message with 'bugfix candidate' or 'backport candidate' or the like. Next up will be a 2.3.5 release. I'm going to be travelling for a large chunk of December (at very short notice) so it's likely that this will happen at the start of January. If someone else wants to cut a 2.3.5 sooner than that, please feel free to volunteer! 2.3.5 will be the last 2.3.x release, barring some almighty cockup - the next scheduled release will be 2.4.1, which will probably happen around May 2005. Anthony and yes, I'm drinking.