On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:48 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin@v.loewis.de> wrote:
Not sure how well 'tit for tat' schemes work - we *could* require
that people don't commit unreviewed changes, and also require that
you can't commit unless you have reviewed somebody else's changes.

I wonder if a "reputation" scheme would work better.  Track and publicize patch submissions, reviews, and the review/patch ratio, but do not enforce any particular ratios.  Perhaps provide a roundup query showing patches awaiting review sorted by the patch submitter's review/patch ratio? (in descending order)

Obviously there would be many non-trivial details to work out.  I'm just brainstorming.

Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC