[Guido] big snip
Note that the interpretation of __file__ could be problematic. To what value do you set __file__ for a module loaded from a zip archive?
I just left it alone (ie, as it was when I picked up the .pyc). Turns out OK, because then when the end user files a bug report, the developer can track it down.
Note: I looked at the doc string for get_code() and I don't understand what the difference is between the modname and fqname arguments. If I write "import foo.bar", what are modname and fqname?
As I recall: import foo.bar -> get_code(None, 'foo', 'foo') # returns foo -> get_code(<self>, 'bar', 'foo.bar')
Why are both present?
I think so the importer can choose between being tree structured or flat.
I'd like to see a description of how someone like Jim A would build a single-file application using the new mechanism. This could completely replace freeze. (Freeze currently requires a C compiler; that's bad.)
I have something working for Linux now. I froze exceptions.py. I hacked getpath.c so prefix = exec_prefix = executable's directory and the starting path is [prefix]. Although I did it differently, you could regard imputil.py and archive.py as frozen, too. (On WIndows it's somewhat different, because the result uses the stock python15.dll.) This somewhat oversimplifies; and I haven't really thought out all the ways people might try to use sym links. I'm inclined to think the starting path should contain both the executable's real directory and the sym link's directory.
.... I do withdraw the composition requirement though.
Hooray! - Gordon