Glyph> ... which is exactly why I have volunteered to explain to someone Glyph> how to separate the core event-loop bits (suitable for inclusion Glyph> in the standard library) from the huge pile of protocol Glyph> implementations which are not necessarily useful. Neil> This sounds great. I'm interested on working on this since it Neil> scratches an itch of mine but I don't know if I will have time. Neil> Do you think if this part of Twisted became part of the standard Neil> library that it would be used by Twisted or would it continue to Neil> have its own version? Anybody interested in working on this at a PyCon Sprint? I won't be attending the conference proper, but plan to spend a couple days sprinting, one on Mailman/SpamBayes integration and one on Python core stuff. This might fit well into my Python core "slot". I will probably have little time before the sprint to do much, but any brain dumps or Twisted pointers people could give me in the interim would be appreciated. Skip