On Mar 9, 2015, at 7:11 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
On 10 Mar 2015 02:37, "Donald Stufft" <donald@stufft.io <mailto:donald@stufft.io>> wrote:
I'm okay with this. Installing for all users is really something that could be considered an advanced option rather than the default, especially since the aim (AIUI) of the all-users install is to pretend that Python was shipped with the OS. (I'd kind of like to take that further by splitting things more sensibly between Program Files, Common Files and System32, but there's very little gain from that and much MUCH pain as long as people are still expecting C:\PythonXY installs…)
Maybe the answer is to write up a PEP and standardize the idea of entry points, specifically the console_scripts and ui_scripts (or whatever it’s called) entrypoints and then give Python something like -m, but which executes a specific entry point name instead of a module name (or maybe -m can fall back to looking at entry points? I don’t know).
While I like the idea of offering something more "built in" in this space, my initial inclination is to prefer extending "-m" to accept the "module.name:function.name <http://unction.name/>" format to let you invoke entry points by the name of the target function (Possible API name: runpy.run_cli_function), and then add a "runpy.call" that can be used to call an arbitrary function with positional and keyword string arguments based on sys.argv and (optionally?) print the repr of the result.
It wouldn't be a universal panacea (and would need a PEP to work out the exact UX details), but would likely make quite a few libraries more command line accessible without needing to modify them.
If I understand this correctly, you’re suggesting that to run ``pygmentize`` without using the script wrapper, you’d need to do ``py -m pygments.cmdline:main`` instead of ``pygmentize``? I don’t think that actually solves the problem (except by making it so that the script wrappers can maybe just be exactly #!/usr/bin/python -m pygments.cmdline:main but that’s a different thing..). I’m not against it in general though, I just don’t know that it solves the problem Paul was mentioning. --- Donald Stufft PGP: 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA