“The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks.
It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing.”
The same could largely be applied to maintaining open source (especially a codebase as large as CPython). The truth is that at a fundamental level, we're all (any software developer) just making educated guesses as to whether or not patches are suitable for merging, or whether or not a bug fix will actually work. Tests make us a little more certain, but it is still a guess. So the problem is really just the unrealistic expectation that there exists people who are able to make a decision with absolute 100% certainty that no regressions or future unexpected issues will occur as a result of the change.
Also, for fun, here's a pythonized version of the quote:
“[Guido] said that I was the wisest of all the [pythonistas].
It is because I alone, of all the [pythonistas], know that I know nothing.”
With loving-kindness,