[Mariatta <mariatta.wijaya@gmail.com>]
- Since this is a 1st-time contributor, does it need a change to the ACKS file?

I think the change is trivial enough, the misc/acks is not necessary. 

- Anything else?

1. Does it need to be backported? If so, please add the "needs backport to .." label.

2. Add the "🤖 automerge" label. The bot will take care of merging. It will use the PR title and description as commit message.
If the PR title/ description is not good enough as commit message, edit it first before adding the "🤖 automerge" label.

So I'll watch and do it myself next time ;-)
Hopefully the above instructions are clear and simple enough, so I'll let you trigger the automerge this time.

So I tried ;-)  No idea what did and didn't work.  I got several of these messages:

Sorry, I can't merge this PR. Reason: Base branch was modified. Review and try the merge again..   

I'm guessing (don't know) those are about failed auto-backports.  I don't have time now to try to figure it all out - It seemed to have spawned a number of new GH PRs for the backports, and I'm thoroughly lost now :-(

The change did show up when I pulled from upstream master, so I expect that part did work.