Tim Peters wrote:
[Skip Montanaro]
Is there some way that people writing applications in Python can set
Yes, but they can't get Python to look at those before it's too late. I spent a whole evening a month or two ago just trying to figure out where all the cruft in my Windows sys.path *came* from. This is out-of-the-box; I .....
Excellent discussion Tim!
I suspect it still wouldn't help with the problem I was facing, though. That is, I wanted to be able to tell people to run
\\dragres01\mrec\reduce\python \\dragres01\mrec\reduce\reduce.py
which is just a Windows way of saying "run a Python executable from a shared network location". When they tried that, though, the network Python looked in *their* individual registries for its Python path info, and some of the hackers with mondo customized Python setups on their own machines watched things go down in flames.
I think a sensible way to run little apps is to put everything in an archive file including the main.py. On Windows you concattenate that to python.exe, and it Just Works.
Windows registry serves. Is there anyone on Windows who *doesn't* have their Python Lib/ etc as direct subdirectories of the directory containing python.exe? Not that I've seen.
Point on the curve. We don't. We freeze everything except the main.py. JimA