June 7, 2000
10:48 p.m.
On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Christopher Petrilli wrote:
Something we futzed with at Digital Creations was "commentable" or discussable web pages. This would be a great use for this. If you took and made each basic topic/issue a page, and let people "discuss" them. A nice threaded discussion could add a lot of insight. This is versus a wiki where it's more "free for all", which isn't really appropraiate for a "guide".
Well, y'all could go nuts marking up the style guide with Crit. http://crit.org/ ...or marking up anything else on the whole Web, for that matter. :) -- ?!ng "To be human is to continually change. Your desire to remain what you are is what ultimately limits you." -- The Puppet Master, Ghost in the Shell