[Anthony Baxter]
My plan is to cut a release candidate for 2.3.4 next Thursday (13th April) Australian time (so Wednesday night ^^May in North America <wink> for the merkins), and a release the following Thursday (the 20th).
Can we say that the 2.3 branch is frozen from Tuesday? As this is likely to be the final 2.3 release (modulo any suprising new bugs), I'd like the time to try and nail this one.
I tried to ask about 2.3.4 plans earlier here today, but because I used a different account to mail to python-dev, it's still sitting in a moderator queue. The same msg can be found here: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2004-May/022838.html Short course is that a serious bug with threads on Linux was reported almost a year ago, against Python 2.2.2: http://www.python.org/sf/756924 but wasn't properly diagnosed before last night (by Andrew Langmead; he added his diagnosis to the Python bug report today). I know this affects the OP, and affects Zope on Linux systems using LinuxThreads (but not those using NPTL). I don't know whether anyone is actively pursuing a workaround. If someone is, or if a LinuxHead on python-dev wants to, I think it's important to squash this bug in 2.3.4. I don't have any other 2.3.4 issues in mind.