This is all PEP material now.
Tim, do you want to own the PEP?
Not really. Available time is finite, and this isn't at the top of the list of things I'd like to see (resuming the discussion of generators + coroutines + iteration protocol comes to mind first).
Cool! Can we resist adding
if key:value in dict
for "parallelism"? (I know I can ...)
That's easy to resist because, unlike ``for key:value in dict'', it's not unambiguous:
But if (key:value) in dict is. Just trying to help whoever *does* want the PEP <wink>.
... I'm certainly more comfortable with just ``for key in dict'' than with the whole slow of extensions using colons.
What about just the for key:value in dict for index:value in sequence extensions? The degenerate forms (omitting x or y or both in x:y) are mechanical variations so are likely to get raised.
But, again, that's for the PEP to fight over.
PEPs are easier if you Pronounce on things you hate early so that those can get recorded in the "BDFL Pronouncements" section without further ado. whatever-this-may-look-like-it's-not-a-pep-discussion<wink>-ly y'rs - tim