... I think will simply be a consequence of doing a complete rewrite of the interpreter for Py3K.
Not just to be my usual self <wink>, but I do see a from-scratch rewrite as being less likely as the years go by. There's nothing I know of in Guido's plans that can't be done incrementally instead -- and if he doesn't either, selling a total- rewrite project to an employer is probably impossible. The most successful projects I've seen and been on *did* rewrite all the code routinely, but one subsystem at a time. This happens when you're tempted to add a hack, realize it wouldn't be needed if an entire area were reworked, and mgmt is bright enough to realize that hacks compound in fatal ways over time. The "ain't broke, don't fix" philosophy is a good guide here, provided you've got a very low threshold for insisting "it's broke" <0.4 wink>. if-you-would-have-liked-to-do-the-whole-differently-then-by-all-means- *do*-the-whole-thing-differently-that-works-in-c-too-ly y'rs - tim