After a short vacation, I'm trying to swallow the latest discussion about control flow management & derivatives. Could someone help me please by answering two naive questions that popped up spontaneously in my head: Tim Peters wrote: [a biased short course on generators, continuations, coroutines]
Generators add two new abstract operations, "suspend" and "resume". When a generator suspends, it's exactly like a return today except we simply decline to decref the frame. That's it! The locals, and where we are in the computation, aren't thrown away. A "resume" then consists of *re*starting the frame at its next bytecode instruction, with the retained frame's locals and eval stack just as they were.
too-simple-to-be-obvious?-ly y'rs - tim
Yes. I'm trying to understand the following: 1. What does a generator generate? 2. Clearly, what's the difference between a generator and a thread? -- Vladimir MARANGOZOV | Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252