Am 31.01.2011 22:58, schrieb anatoly techtonik:
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Ethan Furman <ethan@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
techtonik@gmail.com wrote:
I see no reason for b.p.o bureaucracy.
It provides a place for discussion, and makes it easier to coordinate multiple efforts.
Code review system provides a better space for discussion if we are speaking about simple code cleanup. To me polluting tracker with the issues that are neither bugs nor feature requests only makes bug triaging process and search more cumbersome.
Note that while the domain may be "bugs.python.org" (because that is a traditional name used by many projects), it really is an *issue tracker*, and for us, all patches are issues that should be tracked there. A mailing list works only if you have a small group of core developers who can independently organize the incoming mails using local tools, such as the read/unread marking of the email client. For a larger group this doesn't work (how do you assign a patch to someone using a mailing list?). It sure is more convenient to do patch review, but that's why we are working on Rietveld integration in the tracker. Georg