On 6/22/2021 4:00 AM, Tiziano Zito wrote:
On Mon 21 Jun, 13:48 +0200, Victor Stinner <vstinner@python.org> wrote:
The requirement for a GitHub account was well known when PEP 581 was accepted. The PEP was approved. It's now time to move on!
I think it is important to notice that GitHub actively blocks user registration and activity from countries that are sanctioned by the US government. At least in 2019 GitHub was blocking users from IPs located in Cuba, North Corea, Syria, Crimea, Iran, etc (see for example [1]). They block, of course, users of any nationality, if they happen to be traveling or living in those countries.
[1] https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/29/github-ban-sanctioned-countries/
It says that this applied to private repositories and paid organization repositories but not public, open source repositories. I don't know if the forks of python needed to submit PRs are affected, but I belive these are both free and public. https://docs.github.com/en/github/site-policy/github-and-trade-controls Says that Github has an explicit license to serve Iran and most services are available in Cuba. -- Terry Jan Reedy