BRIEF INTRODUCTION: I've been using python since the early 1.X releases. Mostly for application development. On occasion I've contributed bits to the core:
grep Romberg Misc/ACKS Mike Romberg
I've recently ported a large application to python3 (it started life as using 1.1 so it has been a long road for this codebase). The one big killer feature of python3 I'm attempting to use is implicit namespace packages. But they are broken with the zipimport.c module. It seems that zipimport.c never worked with these as it is comparing paths in the form 'a.b.c' to paths in the form 'a/b/c'. I created a patch that fixes this and makes zipimport work exactly the same as a standard filesystem import. I was getting my patch ready to submit when I found that this problem has already been reported: https://bugs.python.org/issue17633 Is there anything I can do to help fix this issue? I could polish up my patch create test cases and submit them. But it looks like the above patch does the same thing and is in "the process". But it has been "in the process" for three years. What else needs to be done? I'll help if I can. Mike