Also, note that editing site.py is a no-no! You can create/edit sitecustomize.py, but you should leave site.py alone!
That would work fine. One of the standalone configurations will write a site.py, but that's for a completely self-contained installation (ie, one which will have no conflicts with another Python installation).
I'd also note that, for Windows at least, the path-expanding mechanism created by site.py has not caught on. I've got lots installed, and no site-python, site-packages or sitecustomize.
You shouldn't see site-python or site-packages, they only exist on Unix. On Windows, everything is installed in the top Python directory. However you should see .pth files there, which is what site.py looks for. I believe NumPy and PIL use those. --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)