The first versions of the devguide and the CLA bot are me, but tons of people have helped out over the years with both of these things and our dev process overall who share in the thanks. 😊 And glad the process went well for you, Richard! On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 11:54 AM Larry Hastings <larry@hastings.org> wrote:
The dev guide is a community project, like all of Python. But IIRC the person who drove it and did I think most of the heavy lifting on it was Brett Cannon.
And yes, it *is* excellent, isn't it :D
On 11/26/20 11:28 AM, Richard Levasseur wrote:
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to express some appreciation for the excellent Dev Guide.
I don't use git or github much, but the dev guide got me from not knowing where to start, to having a PR out for review in a couple hours. It walked me through...pretty much perfectly.
Getting a CLA signed was also simple and nice. When the bot brought that up, I thought it'd be a headache big enough to keep the PR from ever getting back to the top of my todo list. But the help text and links from the bot, the integration of BPO with Google sign in, linking BPO to a github name, digitally signing the CLA, the little heroku thing -- all just self serve, and easy, and obvious, and really just didn't get in the way.
I don't know which person(s) are the best to thank for all that, but thanks for making it easy for a newbie to get started and contribute.
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