At 03:36 PM 8/1/2001 +0200, Thomas Wouters wrote:
[SRE] and the C extension interface are the two big Python things I've got on my "must peer deeply into" list.
I can't say much about SRE, but the C extension interface should be on anyone's "must peer deeply into" list, except that there isn't a real need to peer deeply into it :) Lets peer into it. I'm going to discuss the pre-2.2 state of affairs, mostly because I know jack shit about the 2.2-type-dichotomy-healing :)
Ah, I see. (and thanks heaps) Well, I just rejigged my thinking a bit on what we need to export, then. My take's been both more agressively black-box about things, and much less OO. Too much C on the brain, I expect. Dan --------------------------------------"it's like this"------------------- Dan Sugalski even samurai dan@sidhe.org have teddy bears and even teddy bears get drunk