Hello! Since I am the subject of this discussion, I think it's necessary to give my view on this too. I am reluctant on this topic. I don't mean to stab Andrew in the back, but he brought up this issue by himself, I was surprised and (very) flattered as I read it today - who wouldn't like to be a Python developer :-) This explains why I didn't ask for it on python-dev myself. I do not think that it is necessary at this point in time to add me as a developer. There is no open tarfile bug left in the bug tracker and the two open tarfile patches both introduce new features which will have to wait until 2.5 anyway. The first big bug wave since the 2.3 release seems to be over. In his post, Martin said that he believes I like my patches be reviewed by others before they're applied and I agree - I like a second opinion, it makes me feel more comfortable even if it slows down the process. I made positive experiences with Neil Norwitz, Martin and Andrew in this respect. I still see myself as the main developer of tarfile. As Andrew mentioned, I maintain a separate distribution on my website and have a lot of user feedback there, too. I search the SF tracker for tarfile bugs on a regular basis and try to help out whenever I can. This is not supposed to change in the future. If it were common Python development policy to add a contributor to the developers list for further maintenance of his module, I would be delighted to step in. But I don't think this is currently the case. BTW, The "Open issues" section of PEP #2 proposes a practice for module maintenance. It's about having a list of module maintainers that are notified each time there are issues with their module. Maybe there needs to be a more general discussion on this whole topic. -- Lars Gustäbel lars@gustaebel.de