Just van Rossum wrote:
Agreed. I'll try to write one, once I'm feeling better: having the flu doesn't seem to help focussing on actual content...
Just (or anyone else) Have you made any progress on this PEP? I'd like to see it happen, so if you havn't done it, I'll try to find the time to make a start on it myself. I have written a simple class that impliments a line-ending-neutral text file class. I wrote it because I have a need for it, and I thought it would be a reasonable prototype for any syntax and methods we might want to use in an actual implimentation. I doubt anyone would find the methods I used particularly clean or elegant (or fast) but it's the first thing I've come up with, and it seems to work. I've enclosed the module with this email. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll put it on a website. -Chris -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. ChrisHBarker@home.net --- --- --- http://members.home.net/barkerlohmann ---@@ -----@@ -----@@ ------@@@ ------@@@ ------@@@ Oil Spill Modeling ------ @ ------ @ ------ @ Water Resources Engineering ------- --------- -------- Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #!/usr/bin/env python """ TextFile.py : a module that provides a UniversalTextFile class, and a replacement for the native python "open" command that provides an interface to that class. It would usually be used as: from TextFile import open then you can use the new open just like the old one (with some added flags and arguments) or import TextFile file = TextFile.open(filename,flags,[bufsize], [LineEndingType], [LineBufferSize]) """ import os ## Re-map the open function _OrigOpen = open def open(filename,flags = "",bufsize = -1, LineEndingType = "", LineBufferSize = ""): """ A new open function, that returns a regular python file object for the old calls, and returns a new nifty universal text file when required. This works just like the regular open command, except that a new flag and a new parameter has been added. Call: file = open(filename,flags = "",bufsize = -1, LineEndingType = ""): - filename is the name of the file to be opened - flags is a string of one letter flags, the same as the standard open command, plus a "t" for universal text file. - - "b" means binary file, this returns the standard binary file object - - "t" means universal text file - - "r" for read only - - "w" for write. If there is both "w" and "t" than the user can specify a line ending type to be used with the LineEndingType parameter. - - "a" means append to existing file - bufsize specifies the buffer size to be used by the system. Same as the regular open function - LineEndingType is used only for writing (and appending) files, to specify a non-native line ending to be written. - - The options are: "native", "DOS", "Posix", "Unix", "Mac", or the characters themselves( "\r\n", etc. ). "native" will result in using the standard file object, which uses whatever is native for the system that python is running on. - LineBufferSize is the size of the buffer used to read data in a readline() operation. The default is currently set to 200 characters. If you will be reading files with many lines over 200 characters long, you should set this number to the largest expected line length. """ if "t" in flags: # this is a universal text file if ("w" in flags or "a" in flags) and LineEndingType == "native": return _OrigOpen(filename,flags.replace("t",""), bufsize) return UniversalTextFile(filename,flags,LineEndingType,LineBufferSize) else: # this is a regular old file return _OrigOpen(filename,flags,bufsize) class UniversalTextFile: """ A class that acts just like a python file object, but has a mode that allows the reading of arbitrary formated text files, i.e. with either Unix, DOS or Mac line endings. [\n , \r\n, or \r] To keep it truly universal, it checks for each of these line ending possibilities at every line, so it should work on a file with mixed endings as well. """ def __init__(self,filename,flags = "",LineEndingType = "native",LineBufferSize = ""): self._file = _OrigOpen(filename,flags.replace("t","")+"b") LineEndingType = LineEndingType.lower() if LineEndingType == "native": self.LineSep = os.linesep() elif LineEndingType == "dos": self.LineSep = "\r\n" elif LineEndingType == "posix" or LineEndingType == "unix" : self.LineSep = "\n" elif LineEndingType == "mac": self.LineSep = "\r" else: self.LineSep = LineEndingType ## some attributes self.closed = 0 self.mode = flags self.softspace = 0 if LineBufferSize: self._BufferSize = LineBufferSize else: self._BufferSize = 100 def readline(self): start_pos = self._file.tell() ##print "Current file posistion is:", start_pos line = "" TotalBytes = 0 Buffer = self._file.read(self._BufferSize) while Buffer: ##print "Buffer = ",repr(Buffer) newline_pos = Buffer.find("\n") return_pos = Buffer.find("\r") if return_pos == newline_pos-1 and return_pos >= 0: # we have a DOS line line = Buffer[:return_pos]+ "\n" TotalBytes = newline_pos+1 break elif ((return_pos < newline_pos) or newline_pos < 0 ) and return_pos >=0: # we have a Mac line line = Buffer[:return_pos]+ "\n" TotalBytes = return_pos+1 break elif newline_pos >= 0: # we have a Posix line line = Buffer[:newline_pos]+ "\n" TotalBytes = newline_pos+1 break else: # we need a larger buffer NewBuffer = self._file.read(self._BufferSize) if NewBuffer: Buffer = Buffer + NewBuffer else: # we are at the end of the file, without a line ending. self._file.seek(start_pos + len(Buffer)) return Buffer self._file.seek(start_pos + TotalBytes) return line def readlines(self,sizehint = None): """ readlines acts like the regular readlines, except that it understands any of the standard text file line endings ("\r\n", "\n", "\r"). If sizehint is used, it will read a a mximum of that many bytes. It will not round up, as the regular readline does. This means that if your buffer size is less thatn the length of the next line, you won't get anything. """ if sizehint: Data = self._file.read(sizehint) else: Data = self._file.read() if len(Data) == sizehint: #print "The buffer is full" FullBuffer = 1 else: FullBuffer = 0 Data = Data.replace("\r\n","\n").replace("\r","\n") Lines = [line + "\n" for line in Data.split('\n')] #print Lines ## If the last line is only a linefeed it is an extra line if Lines[-1] == "\n": del Lines[-1] ## if it isn't then the last line didn't have a linefeed, so we need to remove the one we put on. else: ## or it's the end of the buffer if FullBuffer: #print "the file is at:",self._file.tell() #print "the last line has length:",len(Lines[-1]) self._file.seek(-(len(Lines[-1])-1),1) # reset the file position del(Lines[-1]) else: Lines[-1] = Lines[-1][:-1] return Lines def readnumlines(self,NumLines = 1): """ readnumlines is an extension to the standard file object. It returns a list containing the number of lines that are requested. I have found this to be very usefull, and allows me to avoid the many loops like: lines = [] for i in range(N): lines.append(file.readline()) Also, If I ever get around to writing this in C, it will provide a speed improvement. """ Lines = [] while len(Lines) < NumLines: Lines.append(self.readline()) return Lines def read(self,size = None): """ read acts like the regular read, except that it tranlates any of the standard text file line endings ("\r\n", "\n", "\r") into a "\n" If size is used, it will read a maximum of that many bytes, before translation. This means that if the line endings have more than one character, the size returned will be smaller. This could gbe patched, but it didn't seem worth it. If you want that much control, use a binary file. """ if size: Data = self._file.read(size) else: Data = self._file.read() return Data.replace("\r\n","\n").replace("\r","\n") def write(self,string): """ write is just like the regular one, except that it uses the line separator specified when the file was opened for writing or appending. """ self._file.write(string.replace("\n",self.LineSep)) def writelines(self,list): for line in list: self.write(line) # The rest of the standard file methods mapped def close(self): self._file.close() self.closed = 1 def flush(self): self._file.flush() def fileno(self): return self._file.fileno() def seek(self,offset,whence = 0): self._file.seek(offset,whence) def tell(self): return self._file.tell()