Hi folks,

I was looking at some `dis` output today, and I was wondering if anyone has investigated optimizing Python (slightly) by adding special-case bytecodes for common expressions or statements involving constants?

For example, I (and, based on a quick grep of the stdlib, many others) write "x is None" and "x is not None" very often. Or "return True" or "return None" or "return 1" and things like that. These all expand into two bytecodes, which seems pretty non-optimal (LOAD_CONST + COMPARE_OP or LOAD_CONST + RETURN_VALUE). It seems we could get an easy speedup for these common cases by adding a peephole optimization and some new opcodes (maybe COMPARE_IS_SMALL_CONST and RETURN_SMALL_CONST for these cases).

I'm not proposing to do this yet, as I'd need to benchmark to see how much of a gain (if any) it would amount to, but I'm just wondering if there's any previous work on this kind of thing. Or, if not, any other thoughts before I try it?
