-----Original Message----- From: Yahya H. Mirza [mailto:yahya_mirza@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:08 AM To: Corin Day Cc: Jürg Gutknecht; davidi@borland.com; Ralph Johnson; George Bosworth; Stan Lippman; Yukihiro Matsumoto; eliot@parcplace.com; David Simmons; Gregory T. Sullivan; David Stutz; Dan Sugalski; ian.piumarta@inria.fr; David Ungar; Shawn Woods; Misha Dmitriev; Jim Miller (COM+); Tony Williams; Dan Fay (RESEARCH); Mark Ryland; Andrew Palay; Mark Lewin; Don Syme; Greg O'Shea; Pierre Sainoyant; Van Eden; Alan Borning; chambers@cs.washington.edu; Marc E. Fiuczynski; David Notkin; zahorjan@cs.washington.edu; jonal@cs.washington.edu; csk@cs.washington.edu; Brad Merrill; Brian Pepin; Brian Foote Subject: LAR Workshop Website Online,
I would like to invite you all to register for LAR02:
Our workshop website is now online and it can be accessed either
main OOPSLA Workshop page or directly via:
http://hosting.msugs.ch/auroraborealis/Workshops/LAR02/LAR02Home.htm <http://hosting.msugs.ch/auroraborealis/Workshops/LAR02/LAR02Home.htm>
If you would please take the time to Register even if you are
and provide some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it.
Our workshop starts at 8:45 AM this Monday November 4 at the OOPSLA Conference in the Seattle Convention Center in Rooms 613 - 614.
Please feel free to invite whoever you think would be interested in participating.
Finally I would like to thank Cori Day for doing a wonderful job on
Are you PythonLabs folks aware of this? It might be interesting &&|| relevant. -- Cheers! Chris Ryland Em Software, Inc. www.emsoftware.com through the participating, the
Yahya H. Mirza Aurora Borealis Software 8502 166th Ave. NE Redmond WA, 98052 (425)-861-8147