2015-05-31 0:26 GMT+02:00 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com>:
On 31 May 2015 04:20, "Ludovic Gasc" <gmludo@gmail.com> wrote:
For now, I'm following the mailing-lists from a spy-glass: I don't read
most of the e-mails.
However, this thread seems to be "infected": I can smell from here your emotions behind your words.
Why to push a lot of emotions inside a technical discussion ? What's the nerves have been hit with this discussion ?
I think you answered your own question fairly well
- there's a longstanding, but rarely articulated, culture clash between the folks that are primarily interested in the innovators and early adopters side of things, and those of us that are most interested in bridging the gap to the early majority, late majority and laggards.
Add in the perfectly reasonable wariness a lot of folks have regarding the potential for commercial interests to unfairly exploit open source contributors without an adequate return contribution of development effort, gratis software, gratis services,
Based on my professional experience, more a client pays for your skills, more you have chance that he will respect you, because he knows your value. The contrary is, that, less a client pays, more he will try to manipulate you to do more things that it was planned in the contract. Now, for an open source software, you don't have money cost, but, you still have the knowledge cost. If you replace money by knowledge in my two previous sentences, theses sentences are also true. However, things aren't binary: Apart the contribution level [1] of each member, the "good" and "bad" ideas for the future of Python can arrive from everybody. The only thing I'm sure: I'm incompetent to predict the future, I've no idea how each member of our community will react, I can list only some possible scenarios. But with Internet, you know as me that with only few persons you can change a lot of things, look Edward Snowden for example. About Python 3 migration, I think that one of our best control stick is newcomers, and by extension, Python trainers/teachers. If newcomers learn first Python 3, when they will start to work professionally, they should help to rationalize the Python 3 migration inside existing dev teams, especially because they don't have an interest conflict based on the fact that they haven't written plenty of code with Python 2. 2020 is around the corner, 5 years shouldn't be enough to change the community mind, I don't know. [1] Don't forget that contributions aren't only the source code ;-)
or interesting employment opportunities, and you're going to see the occasional flare-ups as we find those rough edges where differences in motivation & background lead to differences of opinion & behaviour.
Cheers, Nick.